Hello! Nice to see you here. My name is Irina and I coach people for whom changes are difficult, who find it hard to make choices and who feel stuck in a situation. I am here to help you navigate through self-doubt, explore patterns in your behavior and thinking, which keep you stuck.

Do you feel like you are roaming around in need to talk openly about what is bothering you – you are in the right place.

Let’s have an open talk

Coach, Self Belief Coach, Transition, Transformation, Co- Active, SBCA, ICF

Do you see yourself in below:

  • I can’t stop doing things. 
  • I feel anxious, stuck, overstimulated.
  • My productive procrastination can win a special prize
  • Me time? What? 
  • I find it difficult to answer the question: “But what do YOU want?”

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Let's talk!

Book a 30-minute free session to discuss what is happening for you now and what you want to achieve and see if we are a right fit.